

Imagine a world where every word you type is exactly what you meant to say. You can write messages that resonate with emotion and touch people. You’re no longer having awkward text conversations. You can come up with great conversation starters instantly and you enjoy getting to know new people. With Cyranote, the dream can become reality.

Cyranote wants to usher in a world where every person is an effective communicator, well-equipped with the skills, empathy and emotional intelligence to build new life-enriching relationships and transform their existing relationships for the better.

About Us

We are two friends who share a passion for helping people gain the communication skills they need to build healthy, life-giving relationships. One of us is a psychology nerd, a word nerd and a B2B marketing executive. The other is a tech veteran with experience building consumer and enterprise products.

In 2023, when we recognized how far along large language models (LLMs) have come in their ability to understand the nuances of language and to write well in different styles, we decided to create a company that uses the power of LLMs and psychology to help people communicate better.